Building Successful Collaborations for Beginning Farmer & Rancher Development Program Grant Projects

Event Type:


July 18, 2017 1:00pm



Strategic Development and Project Design Consultant, Allison Goin, joins New Entry to lead a webinar 

About the webinar:
Presented by New Entry and partner Allison Goin, this webinar will focus on the importance of building and cultivating strong partnerships and collaborations for BFRDP. Join us to learn Allison's Top 10 Tips for Successful Partnerships. 

Although the BFRDP grant RFA has not yet been announced, it is likely scheduled for this Fall, and we encourage prospective applicants to start the planning process early!
This webinar is not just a walk-through of the RFA or  Instead, we will delve more deeply into one of the most important aspects of a successful BFRDP grant: collaborating successfully with partners to improve your organization's chances of securing a BFRDP grant.

At the end of the presentation we will leave time for questions and discussion, where participants can share their stories around collaborations, including successes, failures, challenges, and best practices.