2018 Youth


NESAWG recognizes "youth" as a broad term referring to those as under 25 years of age. Anyone 25 can apply for a youth scholarship. Anyone under 18 must have the below releases filled out for liability purposes required by our fiscal sponsor The Tides Center. Got a question about this? Email conference@nesawg.org

Ever feel like your organization is the only youth or student group that is focused on food justice & farming?!  Actually, youth organizing is a crucial part of changing our food system, and youth are leading creative solutions all over our region. Join us to meet peers from throughout the region, raise your voice on the issues impacting youth in your area, and shape our food systems future.


All youth under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult and must submit a permission slip signed by their parent or guardian to NESAWG. Organizations bringing youth to the conference must also sign and submit a release form to NESAWG. Permission slips and organizational release forms will be sent via email for electronic signatures to attendees and organizations who require it, based on information given in the registration form.

Youth Track Sessions

CommuniTree Art - Liberty Ballroom C, Session 1

Using a tree as a guiding metaphor, youth activists and land stewards will build out our collective CommuniTree. Divided into four parts: Roots, Trunk, Branches and Leaves - each representing both a personal connection to the food justice movement as well as what we see needs change in our immediate communities and the more pervasive institutional structures that food justice faces. This is a youth led collective art project, all who believe that art is a wonderful means of activism are welcome!"

Presenters: The Youth Food Justice Network

Youth Lounge

Stop by Liberty Ballroom C at any time during the conference.

Youth Caucus, Friday 4:30pm - 5:30pm

Youth leadership is one of the many vital characteristics of non-profit organizations in the food justice movement. Youth empowering each other and leading one another to a better future is encourage continuously throughout these youth programs. This caucus provides youth with the space to facilitate a peer-to-peer exchange and ways in which they can improve upon youth leadership and youth empowerment in the work that they do.

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