NESAWG will be embarking on a new chapter in 2023. Internally and across the Northeast network, we hope to lead the transformation of a just and equitable NE farm and food system. Robert Peck’s journey inspires us to dream what a just and equitable food system can be!

In his role at Green Village Initiative, Robert is invested in building strong youth leadership in the farm and food sector of Connecticut. He does this through leading an 8-week youth summer program, a youth fellowship during the academic year, and hosting monthly youth meetings for the Food Leader Advisory Group. These efforts yield meaningful impact: young people are able to find a welcoming entry point to join the sector; they are well-guided and trained to build out their ideas in regenerative agriculture; they receive credits where they are earned; and most importantly, they get to have a ton of fun doing it (while fishing, camping, hiking, and other enviable activities!)

It is no surprise that Robert’s vision for a just and equitable farm and food system cares deeply about lifting up youth leadership. For him, such a food system is abundant with resources and opportunities for young people to explore, learn about, and become trained in the areas that are most meaningful to them. It is one where a strong, interconnected network of young people can build supportive and lasting relationships with one another. Robert’s dedication at Green Village Initiative is already rippling dividends toward this vision of a just and equitable food system in Connecticut.   At NESAWG, we know that continued transformation toward this visionary food system needs dedicated young leaders like Robert. And we know that in order for us at NESAWG to support such a transformation, it will take work.

Be a part of an equitable food system by donating today! 

In 2023, NESAWG will embark on a deep and intentional long-term transformation with the focus of creating a farm and food system for all that is regenerative,
scalable and replicable. 

Your donation will help fund important discussions of discovery, solidarity, and action planning. Convening these conversations across the region requires resources—to fund gatherings, transportation, housing, and/or childcare for farmers, growers, and practitioners from across the 13 geographical areas in our network!

Your support means so much to us.

In solidarity,

Cristina Cabrera

P.S. Your donation allows us to facilitate meaningful, nourishing, and action-driven gatherings in service of a just and equitable food system. Stay tuned for ways you can participate in the new year!