Recently, the NESAWG team got together to imagine our collective work in the years ahead. To help spark inspiration, we asked ourselves the same question we’d like to ask you now: What does liberation in 10 years mean to you?
Donate to NESAWG today, and be sure to add your idea of liberation to our vision board. A button at the end of the donation page will direct you to our collective liberation board.
We recognize that our work to create a just and equitable farm and food system is interconnected to movements and people everywhere. It’s interconnected with healthcare for all, ensuring food security and racial equity, mitigating a climate crisis, ensuring strong biodiversity on our planet, and creating a world where the next seven generations will have what they need to live, safe, healthy, and fulfilling lives.
This interconnection also reminds us that each of your important work lifts up each others’. And that NESAWG’s incredible network of farmers, growers, food practitioners, advocates, organizers, worker-owners, and educators simply wouldn’t exist without you.
So, as we think about our work ahead, we think of you.
In 2023, we will embark on a deep and intentional long-term transformation with the focus of creating a regenerative, scalable, and replicable farm and food system for all. We will start by convening important discussions of discovery, solidarity, and action planning. To do this well, we need your support.
Your donation will help ensure we have the resources to fund gatherings, transportation, housing, and childcare for participants from across the 12 Northeast states and Washington, D.C.
As we close this year and enter the next, we wish you the utmost, peace, balance, and deep rest. See you in 2023!
Happy New Year,
Cristina and the NESAWG team
P.S. Monthly donations help us sustain our work. Consider making a recurring donation today.