Purpose, Mission, and Vision

November 2023

In November 2023, NESAWG held its annual retreat in Pawtucket, Rhode Island. Out of that retreat, a new purpose, mission and vision were created to better reflect the role, essence and direction that the organization is and will be taking in the next ten years. 

MISSION (What we do): 

We unite as Black, Brown, Indigenous, Aboriginal Earthworkers and frontline communities in the Northeast region to cultivate a just, regenerative, thriving food system for all.

PURPOSE (Why we do it):

To grow global collective power that uproots systems of oppression in order to co-create a culture of care and sacredness of all living beings.

VISION (If our Mission & Purpose are achieved, what does the world we want and envision look like?)

An equitable and just world rooted in the sacredness of all life and living beings that sustains the balance of Mother Earth for all generations.