To See. To Analyze. To Act.
The Freirean Approach
May 2022
NESAWG found the need to frame our Network Conversation - and subsequent conversations on regional food systems change - using a Freirean approach to introduce the lens of a critical analysis and the development of a collective critical consciousness. We strive for a liberated consciousness that can self-reflect and generate action towards systems change on a consistent basis making this a praxis of Reflection-Action. The Freirean approach and the framing for developing this praxis can be summarized as follows:
During this first phase of the work, NESAWG will be focusing on “SEEING”: naming, identifying, seeing the system with its manifestations, impact, and root causes; but also lifting and shining a bright light on the resilience and transformational work that our BIPOC communities have been tirelessly doing for centuries.
This “Seeing” will be elicited through brainstorming sessions, open-ended questions, dialogue, and story-telling among other things. We fully recognize the danger of a single story that has plagued the food system since colonization.
(1) Resources on Freirean approach:
- Freire, P. (1970) Pedagogy of the Oppressed. London: Penguin
- Freire, P. (1973) Education for Critical Consciousness. Seabury Press