In our role as the leading convener of food systems practitioners in the Northeast, we curate resources on critical farm and food issues. This includes:
Academic Food Studies Program list for the northeast.
Jobs Resources including online lists, groups, and websites to help job hunters and employers find each other.
COVID-19 Resource Page with resources we come across that support farmers and food systems practitioners.
Anti-Oppression Resources come from food systems and social justice advocates throughout the world.
Would you like to promote your events, resources, publications, job opportunities, funding opportunities, articles, etc on our social media and to our network?
Email us at and/or join NESAWG community, our Google listserv and share there.
Do you work for a sustainable farm or food systems organization in our 12-state region whose work you'd like to see profiled on our blog?
Email us at (Note: we are not able to feature all organizations making this request.)