Congress is on Recess - Meet Your Reps on Your Home Turf!

The House and Senate will be back in their districts twice in the next two months, and they sure ought to see and hear from you while they are home! The work of educating our elected officials about the importance of sustainable agriculture, farm to school, worker justice, food access, nutrition, and all the other critical issues for our region is seemingly never done. You can take this opportunity to tell them about the projects in their districts, give them a tour, or attend a town hall or public event.

The SENATE will be on recess May 25-29 and the HOUSE will be on recess May 4-8 and May 25-29. To find out who represents you, visit and

To set up a meeting try these two things: 1) contact your legislator's district office to ask if you can have a meeting with the legislator while he/she is home (OR, if you have a contact in your legislator's DC office, reach out to them); 2) check your legislator's website for news of any Town Halls or public events you might be able to attend (or send farmers to attend). If you head an organization or a business, send this article to your network and encourage them to reach out to their legislators as well.

If you have any questions or need some guidance, please get in touch: Tracy at or Amy at Thanks for all that you do!