Call for Citations

Fourth Edition of Annotated Bibliography on Structural Racism Present in the U.S. Food System

reblogged from the Michigan State University's Center for Regional Food System

Submissions of citations for the fourth edition of Michigan State University's Center for Regional Food Systems's Annotated Bibliography of Structural Racism in the Food System are requested by October 30, 2016. Send all submissions or questions to Jane Henderson at

This publication is an annotated bibliography of selected resources and publications focused on recent research and outreach on structural racism in the U.S. food system. The third edition, published in January 2016, included an additional 25 citations. For complete information on the call, please view the call for citations.

Citations should refer to research, analysis, outreach, and commentary on BOTH structural racism AND the U.S. food system. While there are many important resources on racism and anti-racism in the U.S., or on the state of the food system, citations in this annotated bibliography must link strucutural racism and one or more aspect of the food system.

Submissions may be citations of peer-reviewed journal articles, peer critiqued articles, reports, or bulletins, books, and other published resources. Blogs, newspaper articles, and social media posts will not be included because of the sheer volume of these resources.

Submissions must include:

  • Author(s), Title, & web link to easily identify the submission
  • Full citation in APA format, if available

Read the full Call for Citations for the 4th Edition of the Annotated Bibliography on Structural Racism Present in the U.S. Food System

View the Annotated Bibliography on Structural Racism Present in the U.S. Food System, third edition