Uncommon Fruits for Backyard and Market

Event Type:


September 26, 2017 7:00pm to 8:00pm



NOFA MASS will be hosting another installment of the Webinar Series – Inspiring Ideas from Experts in the Field

Presenter: Lee Reich, PhD, “Life on the Farmden” Blog

Juneberry, cornelian cherry, and lingonberry are just a few fruits that are not well-known but have delectable flavors and are easy to grow. This webinar will describe the flavor and the cultivation of these and other uncommon fruits. These fruit plants have little need for spraying for pest control; in some cases annual pruning is not even required. Some of the fruits are borne on plants that also are ornamental, so are perfect for “luscious landscaping” of home grounds. With proper handling, some of these fruits have good market potential, especially for organic and specialty markets.

Webinar can be accessed using the following options:

WebEx Link:


Phone connection: 1-617-627-6767 Access Code: 734909534

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